FESTIVE FITNESS CHALLENGES – Give The Gift Of Fitness This Christmas

Christmas gives me the perfect excuse to unleash my silly side, not that I restrain it much throughout the rest of the year! Laughter is great medicine and combining it with movement gives you a real health hack.

Since I started coaching in 1996, I’ve created a Festive Fitness Challenge for my clients. In recent years, I’ve been sharing them on the internet with friends and followers on my social media accounts. So, I thought I’d store them all here for anyone who wants to find them in one place.

Some are more challenging than others (you might like to share them with people you don’t like haha!) But all of them will get you moving and allow you to see improvement over time if you do them more than once.

So, let’s get Silly!


12 Days Of Fitness

You know the song..
“On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…”
Well, the fitness version goes “On the first day of Fitness my health coach gave to me..”
Anyone who has ever trained with me over the years, whether 1-1, bootcamps, football coaching or soccercise classes will recognise this format. It’s a timed challenge and follows the same rules as the traditional song.
We start with one burpee, then do 2 push-ups and 1 burpee, then a 3-second plank, 2 push-ups, and 1 burpee…. and on it goes until we get right up to 12 and work all the way back down to 1.
You can substitute any exercises you like into each slot to make it easier or harder. This is a very basic bodyweight version that you can do at home.
If you want to take part you can time how long it takes you to complete the full workout and try to beat your time in your next session.
Merry Fitness!

Festive 300 Fitness Challenge

Let’s be honest, we all eat too much and drink too much over the Christmas period.
And as much as you can’t out-exercise a bad diet, you can try to balance it out a bit.
The Festive 300 Fitness Challenge requires you to complete a total of 300 repetitions and time yourself. You can choose any exercises you like to make it easier or harder.
So, if you fancy getting some exercise in between the mince pies and baileys, here’s the full video of my Festive 300 Fitness Challenge.
It shouldn’t take you more than about 20 minutes and some of you will manage to do it in under 10.
Give it a go over the Christmas period, and if you’re looking to start an exercise routine in the New Year then this bodyweight challenge would be a good way to get going and see yourself improving.
Share it with friends and family, and get a little competition going to see who can get the fastest time.
Merry Fitness!

Festive Top 10 Fitness Challenge

This festive fitness challenge takes you through a series of 10 bodyweight exercises for strength and stability to give you the gifts of movement and laughter in the lead up to Christmas.
Complete the exercises in a circuit format and time how long it takes you to do 1 round. If you fancy working harder simply increase the number of rounds you complete.
If you can do the exercises add them into your regular workout routine and if you can’t, don’t get frustrated just have a laugh at yourself and keep practicing.
Merry Fitness!

Festive 500 Fitness Challenge

If you’ve done the 300 Challenge and feel like you’ve got more in the tank. you might want to give the 500 a go. 

The clue is in the name – 500 repetitions! But this time, rather than do high reps all in one go, I’ve split them over 5 rounds.

You’ll do 10 reps of 10 different exercises in each round. 100 reps per round, adding up to a total of 500 for the challenge. 

Watch this video for a quick overview:

As always, I go through each exercise, step by step so that you get the technique right. You can watch the full instructional video for the Festive 500 Fitness challenge on my YouTube channel.

Wrapping Up!

That’s it for now, but be sure to check back on this page each Christmas time to see what new weird and wonderful challenges I’ve dreamt up.

Have a Fabulous Christmas, and if you like this post, please share it to give the gift of Festive Fitness to everyone!

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